Deanna Dolan, Owner, Trainer, Triathlete, Motivator 

NASM, AFAA Certified 

Personal Training Tailored to Fit You


Four Fitness Programs to choose from! 

Increase your strength and get lean with my Strength Building Program

Increase muscle size and start Bodybuilding with my Hypertrophy Program

Improve your athletic performance with my Endurance Athlete Program

Improve your range of motion and flexibility with my Foundations Program


A members-only community for all fitness levels that encourages and inspires you to be the best version of YOU!

To truly tap into your ability, you need the right training program, the right fuel, and the right mindset. 

I use a multifaceted approach to fitness that combines physical exercise with quality nutrition, and mental health resources to help you get beyond your physical and emotional blocks giving you the greatest opportunity to achieve your goals. 

The reason people quit working out is related to a subconscious belief they hold about themselves. It is the "I can't because..,"

The method I use gives you the opportunity to overcome those doubts, achieve your results, and change your life.

How this method works

When you begin your fitness journey with me, you will be provided with a training program and instruction specifically designed to help you attain your results. In order for your body to change, your training program must change at the right time and with the right variations in your program to create the adaptations you want. The physical aspect of training is only one component to reaching your goal. 

The imbalance of macro and micro nutrients can negatively impact your hormones and your body's ability to absorb and use nutrients which can cause fatigue, weight gain, and chronic diseases. There is so much more than just calories to consider when trying to achieve results. The right nutrition is critical to building muscle, getting better sleep, reducing body fat, building strength, and reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. This is why I include nutritional guidance in all my training packages. 

You can have the best training program and nutritional guidance in the world, but if you aren't motivated to stick with it, you won't get the results you want.

Lack of motivation is a manifestation of core wounds and unmet needs rooted in the subconscious mind. When you begin training, you will also get access to tools and techniques to reprogram your subconscious through the comprehensive methods created by the Personal Development School. I am an active member of the school and my personal life-changing experiences have led me to include this opportunity in my training packages. When you shift your perspective about yourself, you unlock your mind from the ideas that are holding you back. These evidence-based practices can take you from "I can't" to "I can and I will." 

Combining the right physical fitness training, high quality nutrition, and the tools to reprogram your mindset, you can unlock more than your results. You can unlock your life. Get started now!

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Questions?  Email me! Call me: (954) 745-9508